BODY Section

The purpose of the <body> element is to organize content for presentation by marking it up with HTML elements. The <body> element contains all marked up content that is presented to the user.

BODY Section

The BODY section is the area on the page where the browser renders the marked up content. Content is all data and information presented to the user as information artefacts—review, monograph, book, letter, memo, blog, manual, story, report, news article, in all forms—audio, video, text, braille.

The purpose of the <body> section is to organize content for presentation by marking it up with HTML elements. The body element contains all marked up content that is presented to the user.

Information artefacts

All data and information presented to the user as information artefacts—Common information artefacts examples include review, monograph, book, letter, memo, blog, manual, story, report, news article, in all forms—audio, video, text, braille.

Each element defined in the specification has a content model: a description of the element’s expected contents. An HTML element must have contents that match the requirements described in the element’s content model. The contents of an element are its children in the DOM.