HTML Attributes

Attributes are properties that allow additional information about each elements. All attributes have a quoted value assigned.
Attributes minimization

HTML5 ONLY Single-valued attributes are minimized.

Global attributes

Global attributes are common to and may be specified on all HTML elements: accesskey, class, contenteditable, dir, draggable, hidden, id, lang, spellcheck, style, tabindex, title, translate

Element-specific attributes

Some elements have attributes that are specific to the element. For example ol element, by default starts with integer number 1; you can change the start value with the attribute start and change the kind of marker to use with attribute type.

Element-specific attributes

Some elements have attributes that are specific to the element. For example, the <ol> element, by default starts with the natural number 1; you can change the starting value with the attribute start and the kind of marker to use with the attribute type. the code <ol start="3" type="a"> will produce a list with the first item numbered "c. First item", instead of the default "1. First item".