- After the browser has received the HTML file, it parses it to generate the DOM (Document Object Model) tree.
- This is done by the browser engine which is the core of the browser (Eg: Gecko for Firefox, Webkit for Safari, Blink for Chrome, etc).
- NOTE: If the page requires any external resources it will be handled as follows:
- Non-blocking resources are fetched in parallel. Eg: Images.
- Deferring resources are fetched in parallel but are executed after the DOM tree is constructed. Eg: script WITH defer attribute & CSS files.
- Blocking resources are fetched and executed sequentially. Eg: script WITHOUT defer attribute.
Example of HTML file code (Minimal HTML5 Document) - 1. Tokenization
- The first step for displaying the web page is to tokenize the HTML file. Tokenization is the process of breaking up a string of characters into meaningful chunks for the browser, called tokens.
- Tokens are the basic building blocks of the DOM tree.
- 2. DOM Tree construction
- Lexing is the process of converting a sequence of tokens into a tree structure called the DOM tree.
- The DOM tree is a tree data structure that represents the nodes in the HTML document.
You can access the properties for each element in DOM using the Developer's tools. Example - 3. Parsing CSS
- After the DOM tree is constructed, the browser parses the CSS file to generate the CSSOM (CSS Object Model). This process is similar to the DOM tree construction using tokenization & generation of the CSSOM