Navigation is the first step of loading a web page. It happens when the user enters a URL in the address bar or clicks on a link.

1. DNS lookup
The Domain Name System (DNS) Server is a server that is specifically used for matching website hostnames (like to their corresponding Internet Protocol or IP addresses. The DNS server contains a database of public IP addresses and their corresponding domain names
For example, if you visit, the DNS server will return the IP address which is its corresponding IP address.
2. Three-way TCP handshake
The next step is to establish a TCP connection with the server. This is done by a 3-way TCP handshake.
First, the client sends a request to open up a connection to the server with a SYN packet. The server then responds with a SYN-ACK packet to acknowledge the request & requesting the client to open up a connection. Finally, the client sends an ACK packet to the server acknowledging the request.
3. TLS handshake
If the website uses HTTPS (encrypted HTTP protocol), the next step is to establish a TLS connection via a TLS handshake.
During this step, some more messages are exchanged between the browser and the server.
  1. Client says hello: The browser sends the server a message that includes which TLS version and cipher suite it supports and a string of random bytes known as the client random.
  2. Server hello message and certificate: The server sends a message back containing the server's SSL certificate, the server's chosen cipher suite, and the server random (a random string of bytes that's generated by the server).
  3. Authentication: The browser verifies the server's SSL certificate with the certificate authority that issued it. This way the browser can be sure that the server is who it says it is.
  4. The premaster secret: The browser sends one more random string of bytes called the premaster secret, which is encrypted with a public key that the browser takes from the SSL certificate from the server. The premaster secret can only be decrypted with the private key by the server.
  5. Private key used: The server decrypts the premaster secret.
  6. Session keys created: The browser and server generate session keys from the client random, the server random, and the premaster secret.
  7. Client finished: The browser sends a message to the server saying it has finished.
  8. Server finished: The server sends a message to the browser saying it has also finished.
  9. Secure symmetric encryption achieved: The handshake is completed and communication can continue using the session keys.
Now requesting and receiving data from the server can begin.