Web development can be characterized as an ecosystem, a complex system of interrelationships among living and nonliving elements of the environment. These activities can be envisioned at three broad levels.

  • The foundational components, such as networking and protocols, operate out-of-sight and make everything work.
  • The middle level, includes technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP, and constitutes web development.
  • The top level entails such topics as security threats, search algorithms and advanced programming design.

In this course, we focus on part of the middle level, specifically on HTML and CSS technologies, it is important to understand each technology in context of the whole system and its relationships with the other technologies. Key technologies to master (many are covered in other courses within your program) include:

  1. HTML and CSS (user interface)
  2. Front-end languages (Javascript, EcmaScript, jquery)
  3. Back-end languages (node.js, ruby, python, java, PHP)
  4. Databases and web storage ( SQL, MySQL, sessions)
  5. HTTP and REST (request, response, communication)
  6. web application architecture (planning, design, integration)
  7. Git (version control)
  8. Basic algorithms and data structures (optimization and performance)

The Top Programming Languages This interactive app ranks the popularity of dozens of programming languages. You can filter them by relevance, type, ranking,...  IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. Explore the-top-programming-languages

How technologies are connected Technologies cluster together into related ecosystems that tend to be used by the same developers. This network graph demonstrates this by showing which technologies are most highly correlated with each other. Explore how-technologies-are-connected